The Academic Integrity and Student Fairness Committee conducts regularly scheduled meetings, as well as special meetings to handle urgent and/or special cases.

Regularly scheduled meetings can be canceled if there are no agenda items. 

The Academic Integrity and Student Fairness Committee urges students, faculty and staff to report academic dishonesty or violation of academic integrity and student fairness, and shall take suitable action when a violation is reported.

In case of academic dishonesty, the committee shall meet to take consensus decision.



Cheating is an attempt or action of deception by which a student misrepresents (or assists another student in misrepresenting) that he or she has mastered information on a project, test, assignment or any academic report that the student has not mastered. Examples:

  1. Copying from a student's assignment or an exam.
  2. Allowing a student to copy from assignments or exams.
  3. Using unauthorized material during an exam such as: notebooks, electronic devices, or   textbooks
  4. Receiving any information from any person during an exam without authority.
  5. Using crib sheets, formula lists, notes or any other non-authorized materials during an exam.


Academic Misconduct

Academic misconduct is the intentional violation of MUBS academic procedures. Examples include:

  1. Obtaining all or part of an exam, answer key, or other document by stealing, buying, or through any unauthorized means.
  2. Providing, making available, or selling all or part of an exam including answer keys.
  3. Getting an un-administered exam or knowledge about the exam from any person.
  4. Providing an un-administered exam or knowledge about the exam to any person.
  5. Attempt to change a grade on an exam, assignment, or any graded document.
  6. Trying to obtain any exam or potential exam document or assignment that has not been made public.
  7. Allowing someone to impersonate you or impersonating another student, in any assessment.


Fabrication is the intended use of invented data or information of findings or research. Such as

  1. Listing resources in the references list that are not used in the assignment.
  2. Fabricating data or information for research or any assessment tool.
  3. Presenting any material, sculptures, manuscripts, or printings prepare by others as one's own.
  4. Citing data not taken from the source specified.


It is using someone else’s words or ideas and claiming them as your own or without giving them proper credit. That someone else may be an author, critic, journalist, artist, composer, lecturer, tutor or another student. There are two types of Plagiarism.

1. Plagiarism: copying or using someone else’s work without proper acknowledgment. This can be sentences, paragraphs or sections.

2. Severe plagiarism: submitting work which is wholly copied from someone else without proper acknowledgement.

Copying or using someone else’s work without proper acknowledgement applies to

Facilitation of Academic dishonesty