A. Sanction is based on the degree of academic dishonesty. The repercussions will be determined from the list below:

  1. Zero on the assignment or exam involved in the dishonesty
  2. A grade of F in the course
  3. A grade of F in the course plus suspension in the academic semester and the following semester in which dishonesty was practiced
  4. A grade of F in the course in which dishonesty was practiced and immediate expulsion from the university (expulsion is subject to ratification by the Provost before going into effect)

B. The penalty for second-time offenses can never be less than A.3 above.

C. Students who aid in someone else’s cheating or plagiarism are equally at fault and will be sanctioned accordingly.

D. MUBS staff or faculty who facilitate academic dishonesty will be expelled from the university.

Students can submit a Case Report form to the committee to report any violation of Student Fairness and equitability: