Home - Research Department - Publications - Faculty of Arts and Sciences - Kaitoua, A., Hajj, H., Saghir, M. A., Artail, H., Akkary, H., Awad, M., ... & Mershad, K. (2014). Hadoop Extensions for Distributed Computing on Reconfigurable Active SSD Clusters. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 11(2), 1-26
Kaitoua, A., Hajj, H., Saghir, M. A., Artail, H., Akkary, H., Awad, M., ... & Mershad, K. (2014). Hadoop extensions for distributed computing on reconfigurable active SSD clusters. ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO), 11(2), 1-26